The Brick Fields of Bangladesh
Brick is the main material of any construction site around the world include Bangladesh, and remain so until today.
Brick Fields Worker
of all ages come from rural areas of Bangladesh, and often stay
for months at
the brickmaking fields.
Men, women and children of
all ages can be seen working at the brick field. The brickmaking only operates
during the dry season, which leaves millions of workers unemployed during the
remaining five to seven months. Many remain jobless, others take irregular jobs
as farmers or day labourers.
Payment of brick
fields worker is irregular, the work monotonous and heavy. Basically all bricks are made in Bangladesh are using a
150-year-old technology; soil is mixed with water, formed into bricks using
wooden forms, then left to dry in the sun before being burned in traditional
kilns. The process is done almost entirely by hand made.
The high chimneys along the rivers, in the countryside, surrounding the
cities, pouring grey smoke into the air. Millions of bricks are burned
around the Country.
The job
takes a toll on their bodies. They often experience pain in their legs, back
and shoulders. Many women get reproductive problems in the future after
squatting for long hours when molding the bricks.